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If there’s one thing we love, it’s Independent Authors. Amazon is the new frontier when it comes to discovering new talent. And even traditionally published authors are coming out with digital versions of earlier published work. We want to help your book get the recognition it deserves with a thoughtful, 250- 300-word review.

We’re glad to play a part in showcasing your talent, old and new. On this site, you can, as an author:

By the way, if you have books that are about to go on KDP Free promotion, you may want to visit this page. Submitting your works to these two dozen free promotion sites can increase your downloads by more than 500%!

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Don Sloan

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4 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Dear Don,
    I just wanted to thank you so very much for the wonderful review you gave my first novel, CHOPIN’S GHOST. I spent eleven years writing that book; it taught me how to write a novel, and your review made every night I spent working on it after a 12-hour shift worthwhile. Thanks so much!
    Sincerely…Cary Grossman

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just happened to be sharing this Amazon page with a stranger, and I stumbled upon your review this evening – albeit two months late. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for providing an honest and in-depth, well-written review of this work. I write under the pseudonym Mikael Winters and Cheyenne Morgan and I’m a very hands-on and people-engaged author. You’ve made my year!

    Lynette S. Vinson


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